Board Member Attendance

For Board Meetings, Special Meetings, Executive Sessions, Committee Meetings, and Agenda Review Meetings

Sept. 2024
Meeting Yolanda Adams Sabrina Landry Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens Bob Tierney
Sept 10 Committee Meetings Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Sept 12 Agenda Reviews Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Sept 17 Annual Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Sept 24 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Excused Attended Attended
Sept 24 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Excused Attended Attended

Aug. 2024
Meeting Yolanda Adams Sabrina Landry Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens Bob Tierney
Aug 15 Agenda Reviews Excused Attended Attended Attended Excused Attended Attended
Aug 19 Special Meeting Excused Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Aug 27 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Aug 27 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

July 2024
Meeting Yolanda Adams Sabrina Landry Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens Bob Tierney
July 11 Agenda Reviews Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
July 23 Executive Session Excused Attended Excused Attended Attended Attended Attended
July 23 Regular Meeting Excused Attended Excused Attended Attended Attended Attended

June 2024
Meeting Yolanda Adams Sabrina Landry Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens Bob Tierney
June 11 Committee of the Whole Late Attended Attended Attended Late Attended Attended
June 13 Agenda Reviews Attended Attended Attended Excused Attended Absent Attended
June 25 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
June 25 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

May 2024
Meeting Yolanda Adams Sabrina Landry Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens Bob Tierney
May 7 Special Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Excused Excused Attended
May 16 Agenda Reviews Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
May 28 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Late Attended Attended
May 28 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

April 2024
Meeting Yolanda Adams Sabrina Landry Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens Bob Tierney
April 9 Standing Committees Late Attended Excused Absent Absent
April 16 Agenda Reviews Attended Attended Attended Attended Absent Attended Attended
April 23 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
April 23 Organizational Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
April 23 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

March 2024
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Mar. 14 Agenda Reviews Attended Absent Excused Attended Attended Attended Absent
Mar. 26 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Mar. 26 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

Feb. 2024
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Feb. 13 Standing Committees Attended Absent Absent Attended Attended Absent Attended
Feb. 15 Agenda Reviews Attended Absent Attended Attended Attended Attended Absent
Feb. 27 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Feb. 27 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Feb. 28 Special Meeting Attended Absent Excused Attended Attended Attended Attended

Jan. 2024
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Jan. 11 Agenda Reviews Attended Absent Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Jan. 23 Executive Session Excused Excused Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Jan. 23 Regular Meeting Excused Excused Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

Dec. 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Dec. 12 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Dec. 12 Regular Meeting (ITHSA) Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

Nov. 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Nov. 2 Agenda Reviews Attended Absent Attended Attended Attended Attended Absent
Nov. 14 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Nov. 14 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Nov. 27 Termination Hearing Absent Attended Attended Attended Absent Attended Attended
Nov. 29 Executive Session Attended Late Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Nov. 29 Special Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Nov. 30 Agenda Reviews Attended Absent Excused Attended Attended Attended Late

Oct. 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows Mary Modder Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Oct. 10 Standing Committees Attended Absent Excused Attended Attended Absent Absent
Oct. Agenda Reviews Attended Absent Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Oct. 24 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Oct. 24 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

Sept. 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Sept. Agenda Reviews Attended Excused Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Sept. 19 Budget Hearing Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Sept. 19 Annual Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Sept. 26 Executive Session Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Sept. 26 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

Aug. 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Aug. Agenda Reviews Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Aug. 3 Executive Session Attended Excused Attended Attended Attended Attended Late
Aug. 17 Executive Session Late Attended Attended Attended Attended Excused Attended
Aug. 22 Executive Session Attended Late Attended Attended Excused Attended Excused
Aug. 22 Regular Meeting Attended Attended Attended Attended Excused Attended Excused
Aug. 31 Special Meeting Attended Excused Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended

July 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
July Agenda Reviews attended excused attended attended attended attended attended
July 17 Special Meeting attended excused attended attended attended attended attended
July 17 Executive Session late attended attended attended attended excused attended
July 18 Executive Session attended attended excused attended attended absent late
July 25 Executive Session attended late attended attended attended attended late
July 25 Regular Meeting attended attended attended attended attended attended attended

June 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
June Agenda Reviews attended absent attended attended attended attended absent
June 6 Executive Session attended excused excused attended excused attended attended
June 8 Committee Meeting attended excused attended attended excused attended attended
June 19 Executive Session attended attended attended attended attended attended absent
June 27 Executive Session attended late attended attended attended attended attended
June 27 Regular Meeting attended attended attended attended attended attended attended

May 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
May Agenda Reviews attended absent attended attended attended attended attended
May 23 Executive Session attended excused attended attended attended attended late
May 23 Regular Meeting attended excused attended attended attended attended attended
May 24 Executive Session attended excused attended attended attended attended late

April 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
April Agenda Reviews attended excused attended attended attended excused absent
April 18 Committee Meetings late absent attended attended excused attended excused
April 25 Executive Session attended attended attended attended attended late late
April 25 Organizational Meeting attended attended attended attended attended attended attended
April 25 Regular Meeting attended attended attended attended attended attended attended

March 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
March Agenda Reviews attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended attended
March 8 Committee Meetings attended absent attended attended attended attended absent
March 28 Executive Session attended attended attended attended attended attended attended
March 28 Regular Meeting attended attended attended attended attended attended attended

Feb. 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Feb. Agenda Reviews attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended attended
Feb. 14 Committee Meetings attended absent attended attended attended attended attended
Feb. 23 Special Meeting attended attended, but late attended attended attended attended attended
Feb. 28 Executive Session attended attended, but late attended attended attended attended attended
Feb. 28 Regular Meeting attended attended attended attended attended attended attended

Jan. 2023
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Jan. Agenda Reviews attended absent, but excused absent, but excused attended attended attended attended
Jan. 10 Personnel Committee Meeting attended attended attended attended attended attended
Jan. 11 Special Meeting attended attended attended attended attended attended, but late attended
Jan. 24 Executive Session attended absent, but excused attended attended attended absent, but excused attended, but late
Jan. 24 Regular Meeting attended absent, but excused attended attended attended absent, but excused attended
Jan. 31 Special Meeting attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended attended
Jan. 31 Executive Session attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended attended

Dec. 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Dec. Agenda Reviews attended attended attended attended attended attended attended
Dec. 13 Executive Session attended attended attended attended attended attended attended
Dec. 13 Regular Meeting attended attended attended attended attended attended attended

Nov. 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Nov. Agenda Reviews attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended absent, but excused
Nov. 15 Executive Session attended attended attended attended attended absent, but excused attended
Nov. 15 Regular Meeting attended attended attended attended attended absent, but excused attended

Oct. 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Oct. Agenda Reviews attended attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended
Oct. 11 Executive Session attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended attended
Oct. 11 Standing Committee Meetings attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended attended
Oct. 25 Executive Session attended attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended
Oct. 25 Regular Meeting attended attended absent, but excused attended attended attended attended

Presence indicated by:
聽= attended
聽= attended, but late
聽= absent, not excused
聽= absent, but excused


Sept. 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Sept. Agenda Reviews
Sept. 6 Executive Session
Sept. 12 Executive Session
Sept. 12 Special Meeting
Sept. 20 Annual Meeting
Sept. 27 Executive Session
Sept. 27 Regular Meeting



Aug. 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
Aug. Agenda Reviews
Aug. 8 Executive Session
Aug. 17 Executive Session
Aug. 18 Executive Session
Aug. 23 Executive Session 鈼徛 鈼徛 鈼徛 鈼徛 鈼徛
Aug. 23 Regular Meeting 鈼徛 鈼徛 鈼徛 鈼徛



July 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
July Agenda Reviews
July 26 Executive Session
July 26 Regular Meeting



June 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
June Agenda Reviews
June 9 Special Meeting
June 14 Standing Committee Meetings
June 28 Executive Session
June 28 Regular Meeting



May 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
May Agenda Reviews
May 2 Executive Session
May 2 Special Meeting
May 24 Executive Session
May 24 Regular Meeting
May 25 Executive Session



April 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tony Garcia 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
April 11 Special Meeting
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Eric Meadows 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Kristine Schmaling Rebecca Stevens
April Agenda Reviews
April 25 Organizational Meeting
April 25 Executive Session
April 25 Regular Meeting



March 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tony Garcia 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
March Agenda Reviews
March 15 Special Meeting
March 25 Executive Session
March 25 Regular Meeting



Feb. 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tony Garcia 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
Feb. Agenda Reviews
Feb. 8 Standing Committees
Feb. 22 Executive Session
Feb. 22 Regular Meeting



Jan. 2022
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tony Garcia 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
Jan. Agenda Reviews
Jan. 3 Special Meeting
Jan. 4 Executive Session
Jan. 4 Special Meeting
Jan. 25 Executive Session
Jan. 25 Regular Meeting



Dec. 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tony Garcia 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
Dec. Agenda Reviews
Dec. 7 Standing Committees
Dec. 14 Executive Session
Dec. 14 Regular Meeting



Nov. 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tony Garcia 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
Nov. Agenda Reviews
Nov. 6 Special Meeting of Electors
Nov. 16 Executive Session
Nov. 16 Regular Meeting



Oct. 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tony Garcia 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
Oct. Agenda Reviews
Oct. 26 Executive Session
Oct. 26 Regular Meeting



Sept. 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tony Garcia 惭补谤测听惭辞诲诲别谤 Todd Price Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
Sept. Agenda Reviews
Sept. 21 Budget Hearing
Sept. 21 Annual Meeting
Sept. 21 Special Meeting
Sept. 28 Executive Session
Sept. 28 Regular Meeting



Aug. 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Todd Price Tony Garcia Mary Modder Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
Aug. Agenda Reviews
Aug. 24 Executive Session
Aug. 26 Regular Meeting



July 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Todd Price Tony Garcia Mary Modder Atifa Robinson Rebecca Stevens
July Agenda Reviews
July 1 Special Meeting
July 27 Executive Session
July 27 Regular Meeting



Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Todd Price Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
June Agenda Reviews
June 15 Executive Session
June 15聽Special Meeting
June 22 Regular Meeting



May 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Todd Price Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
May Agenda Reviews
May 20 Special Board Meeting
May 25 Executive Session
May 25 Regular Meeting



April 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
April Agenda Reviews
April 13 Standing Committees
April 22 Executive Session
April 26聽Organizational Meeting
April 26 Regular Meeting
April 26 Executive Session



March 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
March Agenda Reviews
March 3 Executive Session
March 3 Regular Meeting



Feb. 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
Feb. Agenda Reviews
Feb. 9 Standing Committees
Feb. 23 Executive Session
Feb. 23 Regular Meeting



Jan. 2021
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
Jan. Agenda Reviews
Jan. 6 Executive Session
Jan. 6 Special Meeting
Jan. 25 Executive Session
Jan. 26 Executive Session
Jan. 26 Regular Meeting



Dec. 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
Dec. Agenda Reviews
Dec. 8聽Executive Session
Dec.聽8 Regular Meeting



Nov. 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
Nov. Agenda Reviews
Nov. 17 Executive Session
Nov. 17 Regular Meeting



Oct. 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
Oct. Agenda Reviews
Oct. 13 Standing Committee Meetings
Oct.聽22聽Executive Session
Oct.聽26聽Special Meeting
Oct. 27聽Executive Session
Oct. 27聽Regular Meeting



Sept. 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
Sept. Agenda Reviews
Sept. 3 Executive Session
Sept. 3 Regular Meeting
Sept.聽15 Budget Hearing, Meeting of Electors & Special Meeting
Sept. 29 Special Meeting



Aug. 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
Aug. Agenda Reviews
Aug. 18 Special Meeting



Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
July Agenda Reviews
July 16 Special Meeting
July 20 Special Meeting
July 28 Executive Session
July 28 Regular Meeting



June 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
June Agenda Reviews
June 18 Special Meeting
June 23 Executive Session
June 23 Regular Meeting



May 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
May Agenda Reviews
May 26 Executive Session
May 26 Regular Meeting



April 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
April Agenda Reviews
April 27 Organizational Meeting
April 27 Regular Meeting



March 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
March Agenda Reviews
March 3 Special Meeting
March 24 Executive Session
March 24 Regular Meeting



Feb. 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
Feb. Agenda Reviews
Feb. 18 Special Meeting
Feb. 25 Executive Session
Feb. 25 Regular Meeting



Jan. 2020
Meeting Yolanda Adams Todd Battle Tom Duncan Tony Garcia Mary Modder Rebecca Stevens Dan Wade
Jan. Agenda Reviews
Jan. 15 Executive Session
Jan. 28 Executive Session
Jan. 28 Regular Meeting